Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Targeted Marketing – an example

    We all know that in marketing, top-of-mind recall is very important. So, sometimes, it is better to have a focused marketing approach rather than try to cover the whole world. In that way, not only will you be able to optimise your marketing dollars spent, the coverage will be so much better. Take for example,…

  • Revealing the secrets of homeschooling – Learn from the Expert!

    For those who do not know, home schooling is gaining popularity as an alternative to institutionalized education. This is especially true in many developed countries and due to increasing concerns of school violence and other issues. But the challenges that home schooling brings can be more daunting than many can handle. Dana has written an…

  • Getting Started Online – Web Hosting

    Many people who are thinking of starting up a new business today, consider doing an online business. If you are technically inclined, you might be able to handle the hassle of getting your website set up. But even if you do have the technical savvy, sometimes, it is much easier to go for shared web…

  • Internet Marketing Tools

    Since I mentioned collaboration software, I came across another site that had quite a bit of search engine marketing hints that I thought would be interesting to share with those of you who are into online marketing. As you all know, other than natural traffic driven by search engines, links and such, there are paid…

  • Entrepreneurs and Credit Cards

    When I was just a boy, besides talking about lemon trees and the birds and the bees, my dad used to talk about NOT getting into debt. Well, the times, they are a-changing. Today, if you can meet a man with no debt, you must be deep in a jungle and the guy wears a…

  • Truth in Advertising?

    When I was young, much younger than I am today, there was a “breakthrough” discovery. In fact, it was so important that everyone was talking about it. Guessed what it is yet? Fluoride toothpaste. It was all the rage. If it wasn’t fluoride toothpaste, it’s not the best. Then today, I read this about how…

  • Working in a Team can be confusing

    One of the joys of working in a large organisation is the fact that you have so many colleagues to talk to. Then again, there are so many colleagues that you don’t. I have found that as marketing professionals, it is almost inevitable that we work with different teams. These could be different departments, different…

  • First the Dress, then the Person…

    There is a saying in Hongkong, in Cantonese, that goes something like “… first respect the Dress, then respect the person.” We live in a world where the superficial is usually more important than the substance. If you look successful, then in everyone’s eyes, you are. Dress up to climb up. There is a lot…

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