Getting Started Online – Web Hosting

Many people who are thinking of starting up a new business today, consider doing an online business. If you are technically inclined, you might be able to handle the hassle of getting your website set up. But even if you do have the technical savvy, sometimes, it is much easier to go for shared web hosting solutions.

I took a quick look at Concentric’s solutions and I feel that they do offer a comprehensive starting package for the small business owner. I know that some of you out there are nodding your head, while others are snickering at my recommendations here. Of course, there are other hosting solutions that go for as little a $2.99 per month. But you see, if you are running a business, you might want to re-consider your choices. This is different if you are hosting a hobby site or your personal blog. At the risk of sounding like a late-night commercial, you should look at a service that has at least some semblance of a professional back-end. If you don’t even know what that means, then it is imperative that you go with known brand-name services. We, as small business owners, already have enough on our plates trying to get a start-up off the ground. Get the right tools and the right support.

To help you, look for the following words or words with similar meanings when you are looking for a web host:

– Tier 1 Network
– Lots of peering partners
– UPS or Power Generator Backup
– Fire suppressant system (this implies that they actually have a data center!)
– 24/7 in-house support

Most of the other stuff everyone lists. But not everyone can list the above with a clear conscience. So, there you have it, my view of a good web host for your start up business.


[tags]web hosting, small business, start up[/tags]







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