Category: PPP

  • Entrepreneurs, Do It Yourself Logos!

    For all those who are going it on their own, one of the biggest hurdles when starting your own business is your logo. But everyone knows that a logo is one of the most important communications tool for the long term. But if you do not have a rich uncle, where are you going to…

  • The Entrepreneur’s Best Friend – A Loan

    Last week, my friend, who recently moved to Hongkong, called me. He was excited. He was so excited that he asked me to call him immediately. Guess who got the priviledge of paying the international call charges? Anyway, to cut a long story short, his great idea required serious money. The bane of entrepreneurs. I…

  • Are we online yet?

    I just saw this site, that sells a cool ice maker. Quite normal, since I do a lot of shopping online. But wait! This company has been around since 1936! Usually, when a company is successful with their sales model or their business practices, they find it very hard to change. It is so very…

  • Communications Is The Key…

    The world is getting smaller today. We all know that. Businesses are so international that it is almost a given that most businesses will have some kind of dealings with overseas clients. Well, since Spanish is one of the most spoken language in the world, after Mandarin and English, don’t be surprised if you find…

  • Professional Event Marketing

    At some point in our marketing lives, we get the opportunity to plan an event. It could be as simple as a small press conference or it could be a huge international exhibition. But whatever it might be, one thing is for sure, right in the thick of it, we could have used some professional…

  • Giving gifts, making friends.

    Marketing, when you get right down to it, is about building an unfair advantage over your competition. When both of you are selling the same thing, what differentiates you from the others? Then, after you have created that differentiation, how would you make them remember you? One of the simplest, and most obvious way is…

  • Targeted Marketing – an example

    We all know that in marketing, top-of-mind recall is very important. So, sometimes, it is better to have a focused marketing approach rather than try to cover the whole world. In that way, not only will you be able to optimise your marketing dollars spent, the coverage will be so much better. Take for example,…

  • Getting Started Online – Web Hosting

    Many people who are thinking of starting up a new business today, consider doing an online business. If you are technically inclined, you might be able to handle the hassle of getting your website set up. But even if you do have the technical savvy, sometimes, it is much easier to go for shared web…