Category: Great Marketing

  • Change for the sake of change

    Sometimes, people resist change. But at other times, they go the other extreme – they change for the sake of changing! If you read Ken Chee’s article on “If it aint broke, fix it?” he was talking about clients who were switching ad agencies simply for the sake of getting a “new one”. That is…

  • The Design Laws? Where’s the Fun in That?

    I have been tagged by Vivienne of Versa Creations to write about this topic started by Marc Rapp over at Uniquely the Epitome and pursued by several of the “creative types” like Asgeir Holm and DT. Not being a designer myself, I might not have much to contribute. But looking at all the laws that…

  • Make Marketing More Exciting and Fun with Mobile Marketing!

    Everyone knows that technology has revolutionized marketing in a big way over the past 20 years. Everyone thought that the television was the ultimate marketing medium until the Internet came along. But now, if you are not doing mobile marketing, you are missing on some fantastic opportunities. Many companies are discovering the power of text…

  • Another Fun Marketing Inspiration – Logo Design

    One of the most fun you can have when doing marketing is designing a logo for your company. Of course, for designers, this is something they do day-in and day-out. But for the rest of us, it is always an exciting undertaking. Usually, inspiration is what is needed when working on logos. And there is…

  • Branding – Measuring Your Personal Brand Value

    Seems like recently, there has been quite a lot of talk about branding. First, Vivienne spoke about your personal brand in her Versa Creations‘ blog, and then now, Yvonne talks about staying “on brand“. Somehow, bloggers need to know where they stand in the minds and hearts of their readers. And this in effect, is…

  • Thomas The Test of Crisis Marketing!

    We all love Thomas the Tank Engine. I bought a full set for my son when he was four. I bought them for my nephews. I bought them for my friends’ kids. Well, seems like one of the latest range of Thomas has been recalled voluntarily by RC2 Corp because they were found to contain…

  • Summer is here! What are you doing about it?

    One of the most effective and important contribution of marketing to the growth of your business is niche marketing. Gone are the days when everyone tries to market to everyone else. Today, the ability to identify and address profitable niches is the life-blood of many companies. Some niches are easy to identify, some are a…

  • Marketing with Google Adwords

    Keywords are the life-blood of all online marketers. And feeding that is Google Adwords. Of course, there are other pay per click systems out there, but you have to admit, Adwords is far and away the most significant. There have been many books written about how you can optimise, exploit or just simple use Adwords.…