Category: Marketing Ideas

  • Marketing is more fun with Social Networking!

    Recently, I made a post about a “Online Communities – A Marketing Fad that Can Kill You“. Well, you might not want to set a community for your business, but joining a community is certainly good for your home-based business. This example,, focuses strictly on the business community. This is unlike the other social…

  • Affiliate Marketing through Blogging

    One of the most interesting aspects of online marketing, is the fact that there is no such thing as the “one way” to do anything. Even a simple, almost childish activity like “blogging”, has evolved and have grown to encompass so much of our online lives. Affiliate marketing was one of the hottest topics in…

  • Sex in Advertising

    Here is an interesting take on conventional wisdom vis-a-vis using sex in advertisements that was posted on Versa Creation’s blog. Of course, we can argue about ethics and morals, but more importantly, is it effective? I guess guys would be more tuned in to such ads than women. But on the other hand, if not…

  • Exercise can help creativity?

    Here is an interesting article about the co-relationship between exercise and the brain: Fred H. Gage, lead researcher of the study and Adler professor at the Salk Institute. “Our own research revealed that physical exercise increases the birth and survival of new brain cells in the mouse hippocampus, a brain area important for learning and…

  • Interesting Web Graphics

    A Blog can be made so much more interesting if it has nice graphics sprinkled around. But the challenge for most people would be to actually find good graphics. I visited our Gack Ink site and saw that Gayla uses graphics from this interesting site: Doesn’t that look interesting? This is a great resource for…

  • What’s in a name?

    Marketing today is no longer fun. Performance metrics aside, many companies have just simply lost the love for magic. Top management are more concerned about “corporate image”, “market positioning” and a whole slew of other marketing must-have’s. Fortunately, I know that there are pockets of fun still to be found. I want to repeat a…

  • Marketing Fine Art on the High Seas!

    Marketing is a really fun industry to be in. If you doubt, then take a look at this: Park West at Sea! I have no opinion about them having the largest collection of fine art in the world, but I can tell you one thing, I would love to be on one of those boats.…

  • How To Get Good Marketing Ideas?

    You know, it is tough to be “creative” all the time. You will always hear of people who suffer from burn-out and going through dry spells. Many years ago, that actually happened to me. I was so totally exhausted. But not being a wealthy man, I could not simply pack up and get myself a…