What’s in a name?

Marketing today is no longer fun. Performance metrics aside, many companies have just simply lost the love for magic. Top management are more concerned about “corporate image”, “market positioning” and a whole slew of other marketing must-have’s.

Fortunately, I know that there are pockets of fun still to be found. I want to repeat a story here, but I have no way of knowing if it is true, or false. And so, I say, read it at your own risk!

A friend of mine told me about a new web site that had a very strange name, and told me how they came by that name. Apparently, a group of very clever people got together and decided that they could do better than all the other social bookmarking sites, personalized news, and blog tagging sites combined. Of course, they wanted to create a site that would proof the truth of this bold statement. As always, the truth and the proof had to be laid out clearly and concisely. But apparently, someone could not seem to wrap his tongue around the words.

When the group was challenged, and in a frenzy to defend this earth-shattering concept, this special someone called out in distress, “I have the thoof! I have the thoof!”.

Now, if he were in a stodgy bank, or working for a Mister Big Guy, he would not only have been fired, but his entire family tree might have been uprooted to save the embarrassment that he has the team and the incredible damage done to this wonderful concept. Fortunately for him, the highly creative and imaginative founders realised the great genius of this person. In honor of his enthusiasm and unfailing believe in the concept, they unanimously voted to call this new venture, “thoof.com”.

thoofOf course, I did not quite believe this. But my friend told me that they even managed to put his face into the logo. “Yes!” my friend declared, “those are his glasses you see in the logo!”

Oh, well. I guess creativity is not dead and savvy management who recognize genius are not yet extinct. Who am I to disbelieve?

[tags]tagging, blogging, news, personalized news, thoof[/tags]



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