Searching the Internet for my headache cure…

Here is an interesting activity. Today, I came home with a headache. Not that “I have a headache.” kind. It’s the “Oh… arrrggghhh…. my head! my head!” type of headache.

Well, all the pain killers I had at home could not cut it. I know. I tried. So, being the online creature that I am, I went on a quest. An online quest. Guess what I found? Nurofen Plus.

It was not the fact that this was probably one of the most potent pain killer I could find that fascinated me. It was the statement “Free Worldwide Delivery – Nurofen Plus” that fascinated me. I was wondering whether or not it could really be shipped worldwide. Then of course, I realised, of course it was possible to ship. My real question was whether or not I could get it at my own home town. After all, isn’t there laws about medicines?

Fortunately, there was an FAQ and it did say that prescription medicines cannot be shipped. But Nurofen Plus was not prescription. Good for me. What I really liked about it all was the fact that the medicine is subsidized by the New Zealand government. So, I get to order a powerful pain killer, and get it cheaper to boot.


[tags]medicine, online pharmacy, pain killer[/tags]






2 responses to “Searching the Internet for my headache cure…”

  1. Xiuyin Avatar

    Oh my god,sounds like a terrible headache you have there.I have headache all the time and i take Anarex. When the Anarex don’t work, the doctor will give me Nurofen. Nurofen plus must be a powerful version of Nurofen. Better consult a doctor before taking it!

  2. Gaje Master Avatar

    Guess what? You have been tagged by me. There is a new chain that was started called 8 interesting things about me. What you need to do is read this post for details and then list me to the top of it. List your 8 reasons and follow the rules. It was a lot of fun and you will enjoy it. This will also help you to get a link back. I am part of the do follow list of blogs and so anytime that you comment or I write a post about your blog, you get some link love. Go ahead and get started, you will enjoy it.

    Good luck with your headache, I know that they can be a pain in the rear. I get classic migraines all the time and have to go to the doctor or hospital depending on what time of the day it is. Maybe I should call my sister who lives in New Zealand and have her to send me some.

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