Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Leadership – update…

    I do apologise… the ninth part of the leadership series is rather late. This week. I promise.

  • Spyware Beware!

    Now, if you received a secret code, and you needed to know what it says, what do you do? Have you tried deciphering something like this: SHX OGUONPR ZI RWP MAEJ ZUSBO-VCJSFPX OPKJCBLUSBP SGDURMPR Here’s the answer: SPY SWEEPER IS THE MOST AWARD-WINNING ANTISPYWARE SOFTWARE It was really fun and easy using Spy Sweeper to…

  • Shameless Plug…

    For those of you starting your own blog or creating your web sites, and if you need some good, affordable hosting, do check this out. Friend of mine just started reselling hosting space. So, if you are still using free blogs, and want to consider getting your own domain and need some really cheap hosting,…

  • Premium Marketing – Business Class Airline

    There are a few ways to earn more revenues. One of the ways is obviously to charge more. Here is an innovative airline that decided to do just that – be a business class only airline! Business class airline might not sound so innovative, until you realise that that is the only class they have.…

  • Free Graphics – Fantastic Web 2.0 Badges!

    Well, when you see a good thing, you should share! Deziner Folio has released a set of badges that are very nice and not only that, has even provided the PSD source so you can really make them your own! You can head on over there and download the whole set. How’s that for sharing?…

  • How Are You Hosting Your Site?

    Getting online is easier and cheaper now than ever before! I recall those days when merely hosting a site could cost your close a a hundred dollars! Today, for that kind of money, you could get Dedicated Servers! Like this company called ServerPath, you can get a dedicated server for just $199 at the entry…

  • Blog Face-Off

    For everyone reading this, do head on over to Blog Face-off and go vote for Gayla, our favoritest blogger of them all! :D [tags]blog face off, vote, gayla[/tags]

  • Sometimes, Opinions Matter, Even for Marketing.

    One of the reasons news and reviews are always popular is because people love to know other people’s opinion. Also, humans are gregarious and really hae to move alone. That is why, we all would love to read this – Web Marketing Buyers Guide. Web Marketing is confusing for newbies and challenging for the veterans.…

Got any book recommendations?