Category: Personal Musings

  • Entrepreneurs are Born?

    Vivienne of Versa Creations has written a piece on Entrepreneurs are Born, and then she had to go and tag me to do a piece on it. Well, actually, I do have an opinion about this. Everyone knows that entrepreneurs are people who run their own business. But actually, that is not quite correct. If…

  • I got Tagged Again!?

    Aarrgghh! Angela tagged me! Now I have to think of 5 things…. 5 things in my refrigerator: 1. Hershey’s kisses 2. Mars Bar 3. Coke 4. Ben&Jerry’s Magic Brownie 5. Eggs OK, OK, it’s food, ok? 5 things in my closet: 1. My favourite Laker’s T-shirt (it’s really old!) 2. My leather jacket from a…

  • How To Get Good Marketing Ideas?

    You know, it is tough to be “creative” all the time. You will always hear of people who suffer from burn-out and going through dry spells. Many years ago, that actually happened to me. I was so totally exhausted. But not being a wealthy man, I could not simply pack up and get myself a…

  • Lead poisoning again?

    What is this world coming to? With all the advances in sciences, why are we still facing issues of lead levels in toys? Now I am seeing this problem that Fisher Price is having toys recall due to excessive levels of lead. I mean, those toys do cost a lot, can’t they just use lead-free…

  • What is your mental image of the “entrepreneur”?

    I just got into quite a heated argument (online, of course) with Vivienne over at about this title “entrepreneur”. She asked me what is my mental image of an entrepreneur was, and I told her. Then, she asked me, “Uh-Huh… Now tell me your mental image of an entrepreneur.” I was like, er… huh……

  • Off-Topic: Improving the value of your Property

    Recently, I watched an episode of Oprah where she had these 2 designers come onto the show and share their knowledge of interior design and landscaping. Basically, they were saying that if you wanted to sell your house, you have to make it look attractive and welcoming. Quite a simple idea, but it does run…

  • Keep Marketing Fun – Get your Brain up to speed!

    The biggest challenge facing professional marketers is the constant demand for creativity. That is fine when you are young. But as you grow older, many things happen that take the edge off your creativity. I just saw a web site that listed some 22 Ways To Overclock Your Brain which was quite fascinating to read.…

  • Web Directories

    One of the biggest problems faced by the Internet generation is having too much information. While information is good, if there is no way to access them, they are of no value to you. The Internet has brought us some really strange experiences. But one of the positive side effects of the Internet is the…