Category: Personal Musings
The customer is no longer king
When Vista was launched a year ago, there was a lot of talk about how it (the launch) paled in comparison to Windows XP. Well, about a year on, and Vista is still struggling. Microsoft is a technology company. But it is better known for its marketing finesse and its many litgations. Just saw this…
Another Toy Recall!
This is getting scary! Yet another toy recall. What is worse, the problem this time is not only about toxic substances, the chemicals in question converts in to the “date rape” drug GHB (gamma-hydroxy butyrate) when ingested. That, on a child’s toy? I found out about this when both Charlene and Marcie blogged it. In…
It’s the Season to be Holidaying!
Confess! How many of you have made Hotel Reservations more than six months ago? Well, you are wise! But for those who have not, it is not too late! There is still time, especially if you use online booking services. If you check out, you will realize that you can practically arrange your entire…
Off Topic – Live Healthy!
This is a high stress world that we live in. Whether you are in New York, Hongkong, Singapore or down under in Sydney, it is the same. Big city life is stressful. One of my friends from India shared that he has decided to go vegetarian and take up meditation. Well, whatever works, I guess.…
What’s good for the gander is good for the goose?
You got to be kidding me! Yvonne just posted in her blog that some job recruiters have taken a leaf from speed dating and started speed interviewing! Remember when a job was something really serious, where we prepared ourselves all through school life in anticipation of? Since when has it become so flippant? Is this…
Safe liposuction for me, please?
I would like to protest a discrimination. You see, every time I see an advertisement on dieting or liposuction, they always seem to speak only to the women. Liposuction is for me! I mean, I have a spare tire around my middle that is interfering with my tying of shoe laces, if you get my…
Do “Long Headlines” Work on TV?
With the Internet and all the online marketing talk going around, it seems that the fun has been taken out of writing short, punchy headlines. There was a time, once, when writing silly headlines was the “in” thing. Then there were those surreal headlines that left everyone scratching their heads and consulting their oracles. Then…
Off Topic – Birth Control Pills for Children?
This is way off topic for me. But I just had to point everyone to read Angela’s post on “Offering Birth Control Pills to our CHILDREN?“. This is really too much. Have our education system become so ineffective that we have to throw in the towel and admit that we don’t know how to teach…