Leveraging Gossips – Celebrity Gossip

When you think of gossip, various images come to mind. But I am sure you will never think about “marketing”. Because, you see, word of mouth marketing is not gossip. Right.

One of the most well executed, well oiled marketing machine has been the creation of celebrity gossip. Think about this for a second. What other word of mouth marketing campaign can you think of that has been more successful than “news” of a certain so-and-so who fell down in a faint at such-and-such an airport?

And now, lo and behold, a site known as www.celebritygossip.com comes along. What a surprise. I would say, what is the surprise? Leveraging off one of the most effective promotion engines in the arsenal of the entertainment world, a site like that could be both a huge money spinner and a public service. Of course, public service would really depend on which group of publics you are referring to.

I took a look at the site and found it to be appealing. But therein lies the issue, I found it lacked a certain bustle around the site. There is a obvious lack of glitz. It seems to me too tame to be a gossip site. I would say this could be due to the site being new, but if the site hopes to retain its readership, this would be one aspect to look into. There is some attempt to get community participation, but it appears to be weak relative to the loudness of the overall site.

Overall, the site has potential. But as a marketing person, I would say they need to lose the “bloggy” feel and start getting it to resemble more of a community gossip site.

[tags]celebrity, gossip, news[/tags]






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