Off Topic – Live Healthy!

This is a high stress world that we live in. Whether you are in New York, Hongkong, Singapore or down under in Sydney, it is the same. Big city life is stressful.

One of my friends from India shared that he has decided to go vegetarian and take up meditation. Well, whatever works, I guess. But more interesting, is that he has decided to grow his own sprouts at home. I think I mentioned this sometime before in one of my earlier posts. The point here is, apparently, he has also decided to see if he can spread this healthy lifestyle to more people via the Internet.

Frankly, I think if everyone shared what they have learnt about healthy living, just the sharing alone would be a nice stress relieve. So, let me introduce you to where you can go learn about healthy living!

[tags]stress, healthy living, healthy lifestyle[/tags]






One response to “Off Topic – Live Healthy!”

  1. Michael Woo Avatar

    Yeah it’s stressful living in the city.. I’ve been to places some which are simply relaxing.. but in reality it’s really hard to get that kind of living environment … I prefer to have fun rather than living in a life full of hell..

    What do you think? :)

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